Think nature, water and culture
The project activities will contribute to the utilization of natural and cultural heritage through enabling the communities of partnering municipalities for the management and valorization of these resources. The jointly managed and financed actions will contribute to the sustainable growth of the CBC region through improving the quality of life in two municipalities and their visitors, local infrastructure, and impacting the local economies.
A1: Establishing Project Management System.
Activity will take place at both partner municipalities. It will set-up a prosperous management system agreed by partners and will eliminate duplicating of the efforts and resources in all project phases on both side of the border.
A2: Design and Implementing Communication and Visibility Plan.
Activity will take place at two CBC regions - North-East Planning Region and Blagoevgrad Region. It aims to systematically implement communication and visibility actions of the project in all project phases and design project leaflets and posters.
A3: Construction of local road in Lipkovo.
This activity will build and asphalt local road towards Lipkovo Lake in total length of 1.72 km and 4 meters wide.
A4: Project closing event.
This is an inauguration event that will take place in Lipkovo ("ribbon cutting") for putting into operation the newly built infrastructure (local road).
A5: Development of touristic map for Lipkovo.
This activity takes place at Lipkovo and will serve for the purpose of increasing the awareness of local population and easier access of visitors to the touristic attractions.
A6: Development of the Bistrica bank River into tourism attraction.
This activity will reconstruct and develop into a tourism attraction the second part of the river bank in the village including pedestrian area, bicycle lane, rest area with benches and other equipment, nice lightening and improvement of three bridges along the river.
A7: Design and production of digital interactive map
of the region of Satovcha with included tourist attractions and services, production of 500 Bulgarian and 500 English paper maps, production of 100 CDs.
A8: Production of project’s souvenirs will take place in Satovcha.
Different souvenirs will be produced - 300 branded with the program logos cotton bags, bags, 300 branded with the program logos USB - 8 GB, 500 branded pencils.
A9: Creation of communication instruments.
This activity will be conducted in Satovcha. It will create two videos 12 minutes each for the two partnering municipalities, 10 interpretation boards and 1000 brochures presenting the project results.
Time table
Activities / Quarter | Oct – Dec 2016 | Jan – Mar 2017 | Apr – Jun 2017 | Jul – Sep 2017 | Oct – Dec 2017 |
Project management system | |||||
Design and Implementing Communication and Visibility Plan | |||||
Construction of local road in Lipkovo | |||||
Touristic map for Lipkovo | |||||
Project Closing Event | |||||
Reconstruction of Bistrica bank river | |||||
Digital interractive tourist map | |||||
Production of project souvenirs | |||||
Communication tools for the project |