На 10 юли 2019 година беше проведено посещение от екип на клона на Съвместния секретариат в Струмица за последващ мониторингов контрол в офиса на водещия партньор по проекта, както и на място на новопостроения местен път в Липково.
Sustainability of a realized project on the cross-border cooperation program Bulgaria Macedonia
At the end of 2017, the Municipality of Satovcha implemented a project through which a new pedestrian zone, a bicycle lane, places for roller skating and for children with recreation areas were built, near the Bistritsa River in the village of Satovcha.
Lipkovo and Satovcha signed a Cooperation agreement for the next five years
The mayors of Lipkovo municipality in Macedonia Mr. Erkan Arifi and of Satovcha municipality in Bulgaria Dr. Arben Mimenov signed а Cooperation agreement on 20th December 2017 in the field of tourism development and other possible areas for the next five years.

Opening of the new promenade of Bistrica river in Satovcha
On 20th December 2017 the new pedestrian zone with relaxation zones along Bistrica river in Satovcha, constructed in the frame of the project, was officially opened. The mayor of Satovcha D-r Arben Mimenov in his speech underlined the significance of the implemented activities for the improvement of the social environment in the village. A greetings […]

Opening Ceremony of the new rоad to Lipkovo lake
On 4 September 2017 the newly constructed part of the road to Lipkovo lake, constructed in the frame of the project, was officially opened. The stately ceremony was participated by the minister of environment and mayor of Lipkovo until 2017 Mr. Sadula Duraku, minister for local-self govrnment Mr. Suhejl Fazliu, representatives of the Cross-border program, […]

First working meeting of the project team
The first meeting between the project partners from the Bulgarian Satovcha municipality and Lipkovo Municipality was conducted related to the implementation of the project “Think, nature, culture and water – be an EU tourist”. The third partner is community cultural Center Prosveta 1937 from Pletena village. The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA […]